
BEE Solution

Building Energy Efficency

BEE Solution uses latest AI-technologies, and the solution can be integrated with any HVAC-system.

BEE not only controls the building in an optimal way and helps to save emissions, but also uses buildings as a storage capability in the energy grid by using energy in times with a high availability of renewables.

Alt text The BEE System integrates into the buildings management system (BMS), where it gathers data about the energy consumption, as well as indoor air quality data. The central data storage combines this data with third party data sources, like energy grid data and weather data.

Every day, the system derives a forecast for the next day’s energy grid mix, weather conditions and the buildings utilization and capability to use energy flexible. Based on that the system calculates an optimized control schedule for heating, ventilation, cooling, water heating, EV charging and other flexible appliances. The schedule shifts energy usage towards renewables and minimizes the energy usage through a pro-active control, while maintaining a comfortable environment for the buildings users. Based on the first tests and simulations, the consortium expects 10-20% increase in use of renewables, 15-20% energy savings through optimized control and a combined 15-20% reduction in emissions, depending on the energy mix.

Solution key features

  • 15-20% Energy savings
  • 15-20% Emissions reductions
  • 100% Comfort
  • Sustainability by shifting consumption to renewables
  • Balancing energy consumption
  • Compatible with all modern HVAC systems
  • Operations transparency

Customer benefits

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How does the service operate?

Eeneman collects data from your building, combines building data with third party data sources, like renewable energy production forecast, electricity spot price, solar energy data and weather forecast.

Our AI-engine creates a forecast for the building and control commands on top of the forecast. These forecasts are delivered to the building and we follow how the building reacts to control command, weather changes, and learns how to control the building better.

Our business model

Energy-Efficiency-As-Service delivers services on a pay-for-performance and off-balance sheet basis. Customer pays for results and no investments are needed.

Service fee contains two elements: fixed element based on the building size and flexible element based on the impact we have delivered